your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
When a child has been hurt...
Your love heals
Welcome back to the town of Zhodino, where New ThingÕs work began more than a decade ago....
When children are abused or abandoned in this region, the authorities bring them to this shelter.
ItÕs horrible to think of anyone mistreating these beautiful children.
But when it happens, they find themselves in a beautiful, safe, loving place.
Over the years, generous friends of New Thing have completely renovated this facility.
YouÕve also added a ÒDomikÓ (little house) after-school center for at-risk children...
and a ÒZontikÓ (little umbrella) facility upstairs to provide gentle care for children involved in court cases.
Kristina continued her ÒFlying Balloon TourÓ with a visit to the shelter.
She and the team also brought other small gifts, and sweets.
This is a place where you want to find fewer children, not more.
There were only five in the shelter this day.
Little Daniel was too impatient to wait for the pump.
Liudmila Mikhaelevna and her staff are utterly devoted to the care of these children.
With your support, theyÕve made this a model shelter for the entire republic of Belarus.
OlegÕs camera and The Great KozovayaÕs tablet were at least as fascinating as the balloons!
Little Anastasia says, ÒСпасибо за путешествие с нами!Ó
ÒThanks for journeying with us!Ó
More photos to come!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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