is your love in action, inside
the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
This Graduation Day is even more special...
Not long ago, friends giving generously to New Thing provided a beautiful Òstarter kitÓ for each of these young adult orphans as they prepared to leave the ÒChildrenÕs VillageÓ at Kobryn.
Diana P., Angelina, Anna Y., Dmitri, Constantine, Maria, Andrei, Diana S., Anna K., and Olga
Olga, one of the house-parents, sent photos from Graduation Day.
Lots of proud house-parents posing with ÒtheirÓ kids!
ÒAll children finished with exams at school,Ó she writes, Òand now they all busy with tests for entry to colleges.Ó
My gratitude goes out to all who responded with such compassion to meet these young adultsÕ basic needs as they head out into life on their own!
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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Thanks again!