is your love in action, inside
the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
What happens when
your love drops in?
Welcome to the hospital at Shumilina (say shoe-ME-lean-uh), about 25 miles short of the Russian border.
We brought love and laughter — and chocolates!
No child wants to be in the hospital ... but a handful of candy brings a smile.
The facilities are decrepit — weÕve never seen a childrenÕs area with such problems....
But the jolly director Constantin and his staff work hard to keep the place cheery.
On the day I visited, 21 children were patients here — in a space designed for 15.
ÒHow are old are you?Ó ÒEight years old.Ó
ÒReally! I am also eight years old.Ó
(I donÕt think this little guy believed me.)
Shumilina Hospital is huge, with a staff of 384. They take patients of all ages, from more than 60 miles around.
I had terrible luck charming the younger children here.
The strange American with the beard was just too scary, I guess.
Some of the babies wisely slept through it all.
ÒThe Great Kozovaya,Ó the humble woman who leads our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team in Belarus, huddled with the director to figure out how New Thing might help in the future.
Thanks for journeying with us.
More photos to come.
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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