is your love in action, inside
the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow our New Thing ministry in Belarus...
For the homeless and poor...
Your Compassion Offers Hope
Some are young, but look old.
Some are old, but surprisingly spry.
Men, women, some just children.
Unemployed or Òworking poor.Ó
Some homeless only technically — sleeping in othersÕ homes. Others truly living outdoors.
Collectively, in the Russian language, theyÕre bomzhi. Yes, here, theyÕre still called bums.
But every single day, we have the privilege of caring for them.
ÒPastor SashaÓ has been feeding the homeless of Minsk every day for more than two decades. (You can follow him on Facebook here.)
We had the joy of uniting his work with our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team.
SashaÕs team provides a nutritious hot lunch for as many as 150 people a day, in part of an old kindergarten building we rent from the state.
(Most actually arrive early for a Bible study led by Sasha or one of several local ministers.)
ÒThe Great KozovayaÓ and our ÒResponse of the HeartÓ team also help the bomzhi solve government documentation problems, and connect them with medical and legal support.
Valery, the brilliant head chef, works miracles in a tiny, decrepit kitchen.
When Valery set out to grow his own mushrooms, nobody had much faith he could do it...
And certainly nobody thought heÕd produce so many kilos so fast!
Our rented space also provides temporary storage for humanitarian aid.
(Distribution awaits state bureaucratic approvals.)
When we arrived for a visit, government inspectors were paying a surprise visit. They were impressed with whatÕs happening here.
So am I. Lives actually change.
Valentin is one example. He served 15 years for murder.
Today heÕs free, in body and spirit, and brimming with optimism.
IÕm amazed that many of these folks, even in dire straits, can remain so cheerful.
But a big part of it is knowing that friends like you are standing with them in spirit.
Thank you to all who give so faithfully and generously to New Thing. YouÕre touching the lives of bomzhi in Minsk!
More adventures to come!
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
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Thanks again!