New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


Curious about where came from?



A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...


Look what love can do!

Compassion 15 Ways


A little love goes a long way in Belarus!

Thanks to every generous person who gave in 2019 to meet needs in the former Soviet Union!...


1. You provided an entire yearÕs worth of medications and medical supplies for the care of disabled children at the boarding school in Osipovichi....


2. You provided a Braille machine and electronic canes for visually impaired children at Molodzyechna....


3. You provided all brand-new beds and bedside cabinets for every room in the childrenÕs wing in the hospital at Shumilina....


4. You provided new weather-tight windows for the boysÕ dorm in the boarding school for children at risk of TB in Bogushevsk....


5. You provided 8 new audio-learning machines for hearing-impaired children at the boarding school in Vitebsk....


6. You saw a new shower, cribs and mattresses, cafeteria tables and chairs delivered to the hospital at Volozhin....


7. You helped build an assembly hall at the shelter for abused & abandoned children at Zhodino, so they can produce concerts, conferences, celebrations, and more....


8. You brought hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid into Belarus from multiple countries (20+ tons from Germany alone in a single day)....


9. You saw our previously donated commercial kitchen and laundry equipment continue to serve well as the Chekhovshchinskaya boarding school is re-purposed into a short-term Òhome away from homeÓ for disabled children....


10. You provided ÒLife Starter KitsÓ with bedding, kitchenware, and more for orphans aging out of the foster program at the ChildrenÕs Village in Kobryn (including laptops, thanks to one extra-generous family in the Southwest!)....


11. You saw the playground equipment you provided still hard at work for medically challenged children in Zelva....


12. You provided new toilets and sinks for the speech-disordered children at Vileyka....


13. You provided 2 new ultrasound units for the hospital at Novolukomol....


14. You fed as many as 140 homeless and poor in Minsk every day, you brought them enormous amounts of clothing and other aid, and you gave them heart-to-heart encouragement....


15. You inspired Belarusian friends to launch a new feeding program of their own for the homeless of Zhodino!....


And you helped make the USA the #1 provider of humanitarian aid to Belarus!


What an awesome year! And more adventures to come in 2020!


Thanks for journeying with us!


Much love,

Doug Brendel


And special thanks to our dear friend Oleg Yarovenko for all the fabulous photos over the course of another lovely year!


To give online — click here

To send a check by snail mail — New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!