New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union
Curious about where came from?
A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...
Our “Response of the Heart” team,
with your support, delivered!...
Can you measure
Love Per Hour?
Here’s the math:
304 lbs. per hour of love!
Yes. That’s what our
intrepid team processed, on average,
in a single 120-hour stretch.
Two great groups in Germany sent enormous truckloads of humanitarian aid to Belarus.
They arrived 5 days apart.
Our “Response of the Heart” jumped through all the hoops, as always, to get the aid into the country legally.
Our team leader Anatoly and his wife Elena are amazing, hardworking people.
It takes an enormous effort — but if you ask our team, their response will be:
“That’s what we do.”
Offloading more than 18 TONS of goods is hard work.
These two shipments provided more than 10 TONS of clothing, shoes, and bedding...
...PLUS beds, furniture, construction materials, kitchen appliances...
... walkers, car seats...
... microwaves, washing machines, crutches, medical beds ...
For a child, maybe a bike is a toy.
But for many in the villages of Belarus, this is essential transportation.
For most Americans, this cargo might be considered “ordinary.”
But for many in Belarus, think “necessity.”
No — think “treasure.”
More adventures to come!
Thanks for journeying with us!
Much love,
Doug Brendel
(Photos by our dear friend Oleg Yarovenko)
To help the people of Belarus by giving to New Thing online — click here
To send a check by snail mail — New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938
Thanks again!