

New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


Curious about where NewThing.net came from?



A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...


Why are you here?

Love is the answer


They could be any child in your own life ... any kid in your neighborhood ... any young person you care about.


Sharing meals, doing homework, playing games, grabbing a snack....

So what’s different about these kids?


They’re orphans.

Their birthparents were either unable or unwilling to care for them.


So they came here, to the Children’s Village, in Kobryn, near the Belarus-Poland border.

In several large old houses, each with its own dedicated house parents, the children live and grow, study and play, learn and laugh.


They get sick and get well, they do chores and complain about house rules.

All along the way, they feel your love.


Friends of New Thing have helped these children, and the grownups who care for them, in myriad ways over the years...

Providing everything from beds, mattresses, and blankets ... to Christmas lights! And much more.


God bless all who give to New Thing.

More adventures to come!


Much love,

Doug Brendel


Photos by Oleg Yarovenko

To help the people of Belarus by giving to New Thing online, click here

To send a check by snail mail: New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!