

New Thing is your love in action, inside the former Soviet Union


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A report from Doug Brendel to all who support or follow New Thing in Belarus...


Where were you...

30 Years Ago Today?


New kitchenware provided by generous friends of New Thing arrived just in time
for the 30th anniversary of the Children’s Village orphanage!


Of course there was a huge party to celebrate, at the City Cultural Center.

Orphan family members and teachers performed, and local officials brought congratulations.


There were speeches, and music, and little kids ready to go home.


And the saucepots were a huge hit! Thanks to the 9 households who gave so generously!

The house parents specifically asked for this kitchenware as the single most needed item in the 15 homes for orphans in the Village.



It was like a U.S. wedding registry item: If you’re going to give a gift, please give us THIS!


Thanks for journeying with New Thing!


More adventures to come!


Much love,                                                                                                                                           

Doug Brendel


(Photos by our dear friend Oleg Yarovenko)

To help the people of Belarus by giving to New Thing online, click here

To send a check by snail mail: New Thing, 403 Linebrook Road, Ipswich MA 01938

Thanks again!