* * *Untidy Christianity
God's Map for My mess [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 1
Reassuring advice for secretly imperfect people! Here's the truth about how God is involved even
when your life is all zigzags and goof-ups.
The Story I Tell Myself [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 2
How is your self-talk shaping your life? You can push back against fear and resentment by
rewriting the story you tell yourself.
Misfit [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 3
You face battles. What if anything is God doing about them? Some surprising facts
about your spiritual armor and weaponry - and where they can lead you.
Stages [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 4
When your world shifts under your feet ... when everything looks and feels suddenly different
... where did God go? And what's next for you?
In Spite of Everything [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 5
Am I a fool for this commitment I made to you? Am I just "committed to the commitment"? Here's what
really happens when you make any commitment.
Breaking the Rules [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 6
What about all those religious regulations you've busted? There's a way to know which rules are
important, which aren't, and which will actually wreck you!
Mercy vs Judgment [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 7
Sure, I'm supposed to show mercy. But I can't just let people walk all over me, can I?
A practical checklist for intelligent mercy-giving.
What I Did With Bathsheba [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 8
Confession - just another religious guilt trip? Magically beneficial ritual?
What actually happens to me when I blab my sins?
Mindless Kindness [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 9
Mom always said “Be nice.” Where do you draw the line? How much kindness make sense?
How much is too much?
Messy Endings [Read English]
Untidy Christianity, Part 10
I hate being misunderstood. I hate feeling torn between competing
pressures. But this is life. Here's how I can respond to life's inevitable torn-ness.

Teaching pastor, speaker & author
Christian fundraising writer
Husband, father, interesting fellow
Weekly Christian DVD curriculum * Creative
practical Bible teaching * House church video materials